Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Acquainted With the Night: Behind the Scenes

When I was a little girl, I'd stay up to watch vampire movies on The Late, Late Show. I'd get
so scared, I'd holler for my daddy to walk me to my bedroom. I even swiped my mother's
garlic pods and put them around my neck. Boy, did I ever get in trouble when my mother needed those pods.

No one in my family was shocked when I wrote a vampire novel. Not happy, mind you, just not surprised. I began writing in the winter of 2008. I didn't have an outline. I just started with a character named Caro Clifford. Her story began in London and quickly moved to Sofia, Bulgaria.
Why Bulgaria? Because Caro's uncle Nigel is an archeologist, and the Perperikon archeological dig site is located in the southern Rhodope Mountains of Bulgaria.
I've never had so much fun writing a book (and I've written quite a few). When edits and copyedits arrived, I was thrilled to be back with Caro and Jude, her biochemist-vampire slayer boyfriend.
I had a brilliant editor who made the writing a joy.

The book was scheduled to be published last year, but it was moved to Fall 2011.
In just 6 weeks, it will be published.
I'm so excited! (Can you tell? :-) )

Here's one of my favorite, 58-second book videos:

Photo Credits: Dreamstime, Shutterstock, Fotolia